data cloud

Posted on June 27, 2024 by Kevin Guisarde .

In recent years, accessible cloud storage has arguably become the most important contemporary innovation that has had a major impact on both private and public sector organizations. Though smartphones seem to be taking much of the credit for the world’s ongoing digital transformation, our present-day app economy simply wouldn’t be what it is without mature cloud-based storage, as it has greatly lowered the costs of maintaining effective and—most importantly—reliable online applications

However, as organizations increasingly migrate their data to the cloud, the need for strong data governance has never been greater. For the majority of organizations out there, cloud services provide unparalleled scalability, flexibility, and cost savings. That said, this shift to the cloud simultaneously introduces a few complex challenges in data management.

Thankfully, effective data governance can reduce the issues organizations face when bringing data offsite. Whether you’re transitioning to cloud storage or simply want to standardize your organization’s data handling practices, let these principles guide you in building a trustworthy data management system on the cloud:

1. Set Unambiguous Data Governance Policies

It can be easy to forget that data does not manage itself. All organizations are ultimately reliant on people to effectively and responsibly manage data, regardless of where it’s hosted. Therefore, effective data governance often depends on clearly defined policies regarding how human users interact with online systems.

When establishing standard data governance procedures, outline the roles each stakeholder has for managing data throughout its lifecycle. Critically, all stakeholders must be properly informed of their responsibilities and the importance of data governance before they are allowed to manage data. Work with key leaders in your organization to ensure that your policies are aligned with your business’s objectives and with overarching regulatory requirements.

2. Establish Trustworthy Data Stewardship

Regardless of your policies, there must be data stewards responsible for managing data quality, security, and compliance. These key gatekeepers must serve as the bridge between IT and business units and ensure that the data being uploaded to the system is not only accurate but also adequately protected. Data stewards should ideally be individuals within your organization who are already champions for data-driven business, as their role makes them a lynchpin in cultivating a culture that values and understands data.

3. Ensure Data Quality Right at the Source

The principle of “garbage-in, garbage-out” is as relevant in data management as it ever was. High-quality data is the only kind of data that has any value for making informed decisions that drive the organization forward. 

To ensure that your cloud storage and apps work with clean data, establish processes for data validation, monitoring, and cleaning to maintain accuracy and consistency. Use appropriate automated tools to detect errors and involve data stewards in building your data quality assurance efforts.

4. Consider Scalability and Future Needs

For the vast majority of organizations, data requirements can only increase. A scalable data architecture is, therefore, almost certainly essential for accommodating growing needs. It’s especially worth considering given the ballooning size of typical business applications. 

From the onset, your cloud infrastructure must be designed or selected to support scalability, flexibility, and interoperability across multiple platforms and devices. This maximizes the utility of the system, helps avoid the cost of more frequent upgrades, and ensures that your architecture can continue serving your system into the foreseeable future.

5. Implement Strong Data Security and Compliance Measures

Data security is paramount in the cloud environment since businesses do not always have direct control over all parts of the infrastructure. At the minimum, your cloud solution must have sufficient encryption, access controls with multi-factor authentication, and automated intrusion detection systems to keep data from being accessed by unauthorized parties. Only choose technology providers that give regular system updates and support. This way, you can be confident that your data is secure from emerging threats and you’re sure that you’re complying with data protection regulations.

6. Promote Data Transparency

Transparency is critical for effective data governance. Records of data sources, transformations, and usage must be maintained so that users can be kept accountable. Prioritizing transparency helps build trust in your cloud system and allows it to comply with laws related to data handling.

7. Guarantee Data Accessibility and Usability

Ensuring that data is easily accessible and usable by authorized users is a key aspect of data governance. For this reason, serious training programs should be established to empower users to utilize data effectively in their roles. Role-based access controls should also be rationally set so that they do not impede with the day-to-day handling of cloud-based data.

8. Build a Culture That Truly Values Data

Data governance may fail when stakeholders take data for granted. Organizations will often neglect to protect or even utilize data if they do not see their managers and peers value it. Fortunately, datacentric organizational cultures can be built through earnest initiatives and by hiring individuals who are a good fit for the culture that needs to be built.

In day-to-day operations, you and other major stakeholders must set an example by encouraging data-driven decision-making. Development sessions that promote the value of data and analytics must also be provided to all stakeholders, regardless of their roles. Importantly, ongoing training must be regularly scheduled to enhance data literacy and empower employees to use data effectively.

Data Governance: A Key Ingredient in Sustainable Organizational Growth

Effective data governance in the cloud maximizes the value of your data assets and keeps your business safe from emerging threats and regulatory risks. By considering the key principles discussed above, organizations from any sector can create a uniquely effective data governance framework that supports business goals and enhances the value of all employees. 

Prioritizing these principles rather than policy specifics is also crucial, given that data governance must change, with time. As cloud technologies and external risks develop further, data use policies must be flexible enough to adapt to the times. With a strong guiding framework in place, your business will maximize its cloud capabilities in a safe and legally compliant manner.

an image of peoples hands reaching over the end of the table showing diversity.

Posted on December 15, 2023 by Andrew (Sal) Salazar .

an image of peoples hands reaching over the end of the table showing diversity.

The Significance of DEI in Data Science: Boosting Team Performance

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) are not just buzzwords; they are crucial elements that can transform the landscape of the data science field. We will explore why DEI is of paramount importance to the data science industry and how adding diversity to your team can significantly enhance its performance.

The Data Science Revolution

Data science has rapidly evolved into one of the most influential fields in today’s digital age. It empowers organizations to extract valuable insights from vast amounts of data, driving informed decision-making and innovation. However, to fully harness the potential of data science, diversity is key.

The Power of Cognitive Diversity

High-performing data science teams benefit immensely from cognitive diversity. Different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives contribute to a broader range of problem-solving approaches. This diversity fosters creativity and innovation, encouraging collective learning and growth.

Reducing Bias in Data Science

Diversity also plays a crucial role in reducing bias in data science. Biases can creep into algorithms and models when they are developed by homogenous teams with similar perspectives. Having a diverse team from different backgrounds and geographies can help remediate such biases. By addressing bias, data scientists can ensure that their analyses and recommendations are fair and equitable.

Enhancing Product Development

Organizations with diverse employees gain a competitive advantage by being able to create better products. Different viewpoints lead to more comprehensive problem understanding and innovative solutions. This, in turn, leads to products that better meet the diverse needs of customers.
an image of a room full of people sitting at a long rectangular desk.

Fostering Inclusivity

Inclusivity is another crucial aspect of DEI. When team members feel valued, respected, and included, they are more likely to share their ideas and collaborate effectively. This inclusivity fosters a positive work environment where everyone can thrive and contribute their best.

Attracting Top Talent

Embracing diversity in your data science team is also a powerful tool for attracting top talent. As potential employees evaluate job opportunities, they look for inclusive workplaces that value diversity. By prioritizing DEI, your organization can stand out as an attractive destination for the brightest minds in the field.

Personalized Approach to Solutions

One of Colaberry’s Unique Value Propositions (UVPs) is a personalized approach to solutions. This aligns perfectly with the DEI principles. Recognizing and appreciating the unique backgrounds and experiences of team members allows for tailored solutions that address specific challenges faced by different industries and clients.

Continuous Support and Training

Colaberry’s commitment to continuous support and training aligns with the idea that diverse teams benefit from ongoing learning and development. By investing in the growth of every team member, you ensure that they can bring their best selves to the table, ultimately improving team performance.

infographic of Colaberry's solutions stack

Harnessing AI and Chat GPT

Colaberry’s ability to create talent tailored to meet data needs using cutting-edge tech like AI and Chat GPT is an exciting prospect. Diverse teams can leverage these technologies to explore new frontiers and develop groundbreaking solutions that cater to a broader audience.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are not just ideals but powerful drivers of success in the data science field. They lead to cognitive diversity, reduced bias, better product development, and a more inclusive work environment. Colaberry’s UVPs, aligned with these principles, provide a framework for building high-performing data science teams that can tackle complex challenges and drive innovation. Embrace diversity, and you’ll find that it’s not just the right thing to do; it’s the smart thing to do for your data science team’s success.

microsoft partner logo

data analytics dashboard AI

Posted on October 4, 2023 by Andrew (Sal) Salazar .

data analytics dashboard AI
Debunking common misconceptions about Data Analytics to empower businesses of all sizes. Discover the key factors to consider when choosing a data science consulting firm. Learn how expertise, customization, communication, data security, and ROI play crucial roles.
Data analytics has become an integral part of decision-making processes in businesses across various industries. However, there are still many misconceptions surrounding this field that need to be debunked. In this blog post, we’ll address some common myths about data analytics and shed light on the truth behind them.

Myth #1: Data analytics is only for big companies

One of the most prevalent misconceptions is that data analytics is only for big companies with massive amounts of data. This couldn’t be further from the truth. While it’s true that large corporations may have more resources to invest in data analytics, small and medium-sized businesses can also benefit greatly from it.

Data analytics helps businesses of all sizes make informed decisions, optimize processes, and identify opportunities for growth. Working with the right firm, like Colaberry, using the latest tech and cloud-based solutions, even startups and small businesses can harness the power of data to gain a competitive edge.


Myth #2: Data analytics is all about numbers and statistics

While numbers and statistics play a significant role in data analytics, it is not just about crunching numbers. Data analytics involves the extraction of valuable insights from data to drive strategic decision-making. It encompasses a holistic approach that combines technical skills with business acumen.

Data analysts not only analyze data but also interpret and communicate the results to stakeholders. They translate complex findings into actionable insights that can guide business strategies. So, it’s not just about numbers; it’s about understanding the story that the data is telling and using it to drive business success.

Myth #3: Data analytics is a one-time process

Another common misconception is that data analytics is a one-time process. In reality, it is an ongoing and iterative process. Data analytics involves continuous monitoring, analysis, and optimization to ensure accurate and up-to-date insights.

Businesses need to establish a data-driven culture where data is regularly collected, analyzed, and acted upon. By embracing data analytics as an ongoing practice, organizations can make data-driven decisions that lead to improved performance and better outcomes.

zoomed in image of data analytics dashboard

Myth #4: Data Analytics is Solely for Tech-Specialists

Contrary to popular belief, data analytics is not an esoteric domain exclusively for experts in technology. With a competent data team at the helm, data becomes an accessible asset that empowers the entire organization to make more informed decisions.

Key visualization tools and effective communication strategies are instrumental in ensuring that leadership comprehends the insights data provides. Putting together the right team doesn’t have to be a chore if you work with a firm like Colaberry. A well-equipped data team can demystify complex information, making it comprehensible for everyone.

Myth #5: Data analytics can replace human intuition

While data analytics provides valuable insights, it is not a substitute for human intuition and expertise. Data analytics should be seen as a tool to augment decision-making rather than replace it.


Human intuition, experience, and domain knowledge are essential in interpreting data and making informed judgments. Data analytics can help validate or challenge our assumptions, but it is ultimately up to humans to make sense of the insights and take appropriate actions.

Data analytics is a powerful tool that can revolutionize the way businesses operate. By debunking these common misconceptions, we hope to encourage more organizations to embrace data analytics and leverage its potential for growth and success.
Whether you’re a large corporation or a small startup, if you’re ready to start putting your data to work, you should reach out to Colaberry today
We’re ready to help you start making better decisions, optimize processes, and gain a competitive advantage in today’s data-driven world. 


microsoft partner logo


Posted on August 23, 2023 by Andrew (Sal) Salazar .

Exploring Microsoft Fabric: A Fresh Perspective on Data Management
Looking at Microsoft Fabric as a possible solution for your business’s data needs? We’re going to take a quick dive into Microsoft Fabric, why it’s causing such a stir in tech circles to break down the essence of what makes it tick, and why it truly is a groundbreaking addition to data storage and management. 
OneLake: Your Data’s New Best Friend

OneLake: Your Data’s New Best Friend

MS Fabric Infographic

Imagine a single, logical data lake that’s like a “OneDrive for data.” That’s OneLake, a pivotal component of Microsoft Fabric. It’s not just any lake—it’s built on the sturdy foundation of Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2. Each user gets their very own OneLake instance, making it a core part of the Fabric system.

OneLake takes a smart approach to data storage. It houses all data as a single copy in Delta tables using the Parquet format. Think of it as super-charged data storage, offering guarantees of  Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability (ACID). And don’t miss the cool Shortcuts feature, which lets you virtually access data from other cloud sources like AWS S3, expanding OneLake’s data prowess.

A Compute Wonderland
Microsoft Fabric is all about flexibility. OneLake seamlessly supports different compute engines like T-SQL, Spark, KQL, and Analysis Services. It’s like having a toolbox full of options for different data operations. Use the one that suits your task the best, and you’re all set!

Data Governance in the Spotlight

cube grid

Data security and governance just got an upgrade with Fabric. It follows a clever approach of defining security rules once and applying them everywhere. Your custom-made security rules play nice with the data, making sure every computing engine plays by the same rules. It’s like a “data mesh” concept, giving various business groups control over their own data playground.

From Engineering to Science: Fabric Has You Covered

Fabric’s application scope is a true all-rounder. From data engineering and analysis to data science, it’s got your back. Need visual ELT/ETL? Say hello to Data Factory. Complex transformations using SQL and Spark? Synapse Data Engineering is your go-to. Machine learning? That’s where Synapse Data Science shines. Streaming data processing using KQL? Real-Time Analytics has your back. SQL operations over columnar databases? Synapse Data Warehousing is the one. Plus, Fabric brings AI-assist magic through Copilot for SQL and introduces Data Activator, a no-code tool that works like a charm.

Wallet-Friendly Pricing

Fabric’s pricing model is designed to be flexible and inclusive. It offers organizational licenses, both premium and capacity-based, along with individual licenses. Choose the one that fits your needs, and you’re off to the races. The capacity billing is available in both per-second and monthly/yearly options. Keep in mind that this pricing approach may evolve over time.

In a Nutshell

With Microsoft Fabric, you’ve got yourself a game-changer in the world of data analytics. Its OneLake concept, varied compute engines, robust data governance, and versatile application scope make it a contender for tackling modern data challenges. So, if you’re looking for a comprehensive solution that’s adaptable to the ever-evolving data landscape, give Microsoft Fabric a closer look. It might just be the key to unlocking your data’s potential! 🚀

Not sure if Microsoft Fabric makes sense for your business? Colaberry, a Microsoft Partner, can help you decide what makes the most business sense. Offering a wide variety of services and budget-friendly solutions, Colaberry is here to help you no matter where you are in your digital journey.


infographic of Colaberry's  solutions stack

microsoft partner logo


Posted on July 26, 2023 by Andrew (Sal) Salazar .

Unveiling the untapped potential of SQL Server: Explore how it revolutionizes business intelligence and fuels data science success.

people working at a table looking at laptops

In the fast-paced world of technology, tools, and technologies tend to evolve rapidly. What’s hot today may become outdated tomorrow. However, amidst this whirlwind of change, one tool has withstood the test of time and continues to hold its relevance in the realm of business intelligence and data science – the SQL Server.
Despite the emergence of advanced analytics platforms and new-age alternatives, SQL Server remains an indispensable tool in transforming data into invaluable insights. We’ll explore five reasons why SQL Server continues to be the go-to choice for businesses in their pursuit of extracting knowledge from data.

Robust and Scalable Data Storage

When it comes to handling massive datasets, stability, and reliability are non-negotiable requirements. SQL Server shines in meeting these demands, providing a rock-solid platform for storing and managing data.

SQL Server offers extensive support for advanced indexing and partitioning techniques, enabling efficient data retrieval even in complex scenarios. Whether it’s executing lightning-fast joins or performing optimized aggregations, SQL Server delivers top-notch performance, ensuring data accessibility at all times.

Furthermore, the built-in features of SQL Server, such as data compression and columnstore indexes, optimize storage and query performance. By reducing the data footprint and improving query execution times, SQL Server cuts down on storage costs and enhances overall data processing capabilities.

Seamless Integration with Other Tools and Technologies

Silos in the world of data analytics are a thing of the past. Today, businesses need tools that seamlessly integrate with a vast array of technologies to create a cohesive ecosystem. SQL Server excels in this aspect, as it effortlessly integrates with various BI and data science tools, enabling a smooth end-to-end data analysis workflow.

With its connectors and APIs, SQL Server bridges the gap between data storage and analysis, enabling easy integration with popular data visualization tools, statistical software, and programming languages. This versatility opens up a world of possibilities and enhances collaboration opportunities across teams.

Moreover, SQL Server’s compatibility with cloud-based platforms such as Azure SQL Database gives organizations the flexibility to explore data in a hybrid environment. Businesses can take advantage of the scalability and performance of SQL Server while harnessing the power of cloud technologies, presenting an ideal blend of traditional and modern approaches to data analysis.

Powerful SQL-Based Processing and Analysis

Structured Query Language (SQL) is the foundation of data analysis, and SQL Server offers a robust implementation of this powerful language. With SQL Server, business users and data scientists can tap into a wide range of SQL-based processing and analysis capabilities.

SQL Server’s comprehensive set of functions, operators, and features empower users to perform complex querying, filtering, and aggregation operations. From simple ad-hoc queries to sophisticated data transformations, SQL Server’s SQL capabilities provide the flexibility and control required to extract valuable insights from data.

In addition to standard SQL functions, SQL Server also offers user-defined functions and stored procedures. These powerful tools allow users to encapsulate business logic, making it easier to maintain and reuse code across multiple projects. This not only enhances productivity but also ensures consistency and reliability in the analysis process.

Advanced Analytics Capabilities

Data science and advanced analytics have become integral parts of modern businesses. SQL Server has not only kept pace with this trend but has also embraced it with open arms. SQL Server Machine Learning Services is a testament to this commitment.

By incorporating machine learning capabilities directly within the database, SQL Server minimizes data movement and improves performance. Data scientists can leverage their preferred tools, such as R and Python, to build powerful analytical models, all while benefiting from SQL Server’s scalability and efficiency.

Moreover, SQL Server’s integration with Azure Machine Learning brings cloud-powered collaboration to the table. Data scientists can build, deploy, and manage models at scale, harnessing the power of the cloud while staying rooted in SQL Server’s trusted environment.

Comprehensive Security and Compliance Features

In an era of increasing data breaches and privacy concerns, security and compliance have never been more critical. SQL Server recognizes this and provides a wide range of robust security features to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.

data science image

SQL Server’s comprehensive suite of security features includes authentication, encryption, and access controls. The aim is to provide businesses with the tools they need to safeguard their data effectively.

Advanced auditing and transparent data encryption are additional layers of security offered by SQL Server. By auditing activities and encrypting data at rest and in transit, businesses can maintain a tight grip on their sensitive data and bolster confidence in their overall data governance strategy.

SQL Server’s role-based security model allows administrators to have granular control over user access. By managing permissions and fine-tuning security settings, businesses can protect themselves from unauthorized access and data breaches.

In a landscape filled with evolving technologies, SQL Server has stood the test of time as the ultimate powerhouse for business intelligence and data science. Its robust and scalable data storage, seamless integration capabilities, powerful SQL-based processing and analysis, advanced analytics features, and comprehensive security offerings make it a go-to choice for organizations seeking accurate, scalable, and secure data insights.

Are you getting all you can out of this amazing tool? Partnering with Colaberry can help you ensure you are using all your data tools’ potential and that your business is unlocking the true power of your data. Contact us today to discuss your data journey. 
Dark background Colaberry alumni images

Posted on May 3, 2023 by Kevin Guisarde .

Step into the world of boundless opportunities at our weekly and monthly Blog events, designed to empower and equip students and professionals with cutting-edge skills in Business Intelligence and Analytics. Brace yourself for an awe-inspiring lineup of events, ranging from Power BI and Data Warehouse events, SQL Wednesday events, Qlik and Tableau events, and IPBC Saturday events, to multiple sessions, focused on helping students ace their coursework and mortgage projects.

Power BI Event (Monday, 7:30 pm CST)

Data Warehouse (ETL) Event (Monday, 7:30 pm CST)

Our Power BI and Data Warehouse event is an excellent opportunity for beginners and professionals to learn and improve their skills in creating effective data visualizations and building data warehouses. Our experienced trainers will provide a comprehensive overview of the latest tools and techniques to help you unlock the full potential of Power BI and Data Warehouse. Join us on Monday at 7:30 pm CST to learn more.

SQL Wednesday Event (2nd and 3rd Wednesday 7:30pm CST)

Our SQL Wednesday event is designed to help participants gain in-depth knowledge and understanding of SQL programming language. The event is divided into two sessions on the 2nd and 3rd Wednesday of every month, where we cover different topics related to SQL programming. Our experts will guide you through the nuances of SQL programming, and teach you how to use the language to extract insights from large datasets.

Tableau Events (Thursday 7:30 pm CST)

Qlik Events (Thursday 7:30 pm CST)

Our Qlik and Tableau events are dedicated to helping participants master the art of data visualization using these powerful tools. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced professional, our trainers will provide you with valuable insights and best practices to create compelling data stories using Qlik and Tableau. Join us on Thursday to learn how to make sense of complex data and present it in an engaging and impactful way.

IPBC Saturday Event (Saturday at 10 am CST)

Our IPBC Saturday event is designed to provide participants with a broad understanding of the fundamentals of business analytics, including predictive analytics, descriptive analytics, and prescriptive analytics. Our trainers will provide hands-on experience with the latest tools and techniques, and demonstrate how to apply analytics to real-world business problems.

Mortgage Project Help (Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday at 7:30 pm CST)

For those students who need help with their mortgage projects, we have dedicated sessions on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday at 7:30 pm CST. Our experts will guide you through the process of creating a successful mortgage project, and help you understand the key factors that contribute to a successful project.

Homework help (Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday)

We understand that students may face challenges in their coursework, and may need additional help to understand concepts or complete assignments. That’s why we offer dedicated homework help sessions on Wednesday at 8 pm CST, Thursday at 7:30 pm CST, and Saturday at 1:30 pm CST. Our tutors will provide personalized guidance and support to help you overcome any challenges you may face in your coursework.

CAP Competition Event (1st Wednesday of the Month at 7:30 pm CST)

We have our monthly CAP competition where students showcase their communication skills and compete in our Monthly Data Challenge. Open to all students, this event offers a chance to sharpen skills and showcase abilities in front of a live audience. The top three winners move on to the next level. The event is free, so come and support your fellow classmates on the 1st Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm CST. We look forward to seeing you there!

The Good Life Event (1st Thursday of the Month at 10 am CST)

Good Life event on the 1st Thursday of every month at 10 am CST. Successful alumni come to share their inspiring success stories and offer valuable advice to current students. Don’t miss this opportunity to gain insights and learn from those who have already achieved success. It’s an event not to be missed, so mark your calendar and join us for the next Good Life event.

Data Talent Showcase Event (4th Thursday of Every Month at 4 pm CST)

Our Data Talent Showcase Event is the next level of the CAP Competition where the top three winners compete against each other. It’s an event where judges from the industry come to evaluate and select the winner based on the projects presented. This event is a great opportunity for students to showcase their skills and receive feedback from industry experts. Join us at the event and witness the competition among the best students, and see who comes out on top!

Discover the electrifying world of events that Colaberry organizes for students and alumni, aimed at fostering continuous growth and progress in the ever-evolving realm of Business Intelligence and Analytics. With an ever-changing landscape, our dynamic and captivating lineup of events ensures that you stay ahead of the curve and are continuously intrigued. Get ready to be swept off your feet by the exciting opportunities that await you!

To see our upcoming events, <click here>

people at a event or meeting

Posted on April 4, 2023 by Andrew (Sal) Salazar .

The business world is always competitive and companies are always looking for ways to cut costs and improve their bottom line. Costs and the fact that they have an internal sourcing team are why your company may shy away from using outside staffing firms. Valid points? Like most things, the right tool for the right job should be the deciding factor. 

The primary reason why your company should consider using third-party companies is cost savings. Yes, there is a fee for services however, when you look at the overall costs associated in terms of man hours and the focus of your team, it can be faster and cheaper. Especially if you agree that time is as important if not more important than money. More on time in a moment. 

Niche firms like Colaberry have a database of the specific talents you need, so you get the right candidate for your specific needs. This access to specialized data analytics and science coupled with their ability to offer skills testing and handle vetting for your team are the real benefits of using outside resources like Colaberry. 

The idea is that time is money. Partnering with a firm can speed up the hiring process, as they have pre-screened potential candidates and can quickly match them with your job openings. This can save your company valuable time and resources in sourcing and vetting.

Having the flexibility to scale up or down quickly, based on your project or department’s requirements can be particularly enough to justify using an outside company. Especially if your data department is implementing new technology and needs more assistance at the beginning of a digital transformation and less once implemented.

By outsourcing recruitment and management, you can free up valuable time and resources to focus on your core operations. Red tape can often be found as the reason why projects go over budget and miss deadlines. Letting another company deal with these barriers can lead to huge overall savings. 

Staffing companies can help mitigate compliance and risk management issues by ensuring the workers provided meet relevant legal and regulatory requirements. This can help avoid costly legal and regulatory issues related to hiring and management.

Some consultants prefer to do contingency work as opposed to being full-time employees. By working with a staffing company to find the right fit for both project and permanent positions, businesses can increase employee retention rates and overall job satisfaction. The positive impact on your company’s culture and bottom line should be a factor in your decision.

Specialty companies like Colaberry have extensive knowledge in the data analytics industry, helping your business make informed decisions about workforce planning and talent acquisition strategies. This knowledge can be invaluable for businesses that don’t want to invest resources in these areas, especially for projects like digital transformation. 

“Stepping over dollars to pick up nickels”

While some companies are stuck in their ways and are willing to step over dollars to pick up nickels, others remain agile and open to exploring outside staffing resources. If your company is staying competitive and wants to explore a specialized staffing firm like Colaberry, you should reach out. Data analytics and science are all we do, so you can focus on your main business priorities. We’ll help get you there inside of budget and on time. 

To find out more about staffing your data team for either project/contingency roles or full-time hires reach out to Sal at 682.375.0489 or [email protected]

Image of cinema from outside view

Posted on February 7, 2023 by Kevin Guisarde .

SQL Server Stored Procedures are a valuable tool for managing and maintaining complex database logic. Stored Procedures are precompiled sets of T-SQL statements that can be executed by calling the stored procedure name. They provide a convenient way to encapsulate a series of T-SQL statements into a single executable unit, making it easier to manage and maintain complex database logic. In this blog, we will discuss the benefits of using SQL Server Stored Procedures, including improved performance, security, and ease of maintenance. We will also explore the different types of Stored Procedures and provide examples of how they can be used in various industries. Whether you’re new to SQL Server or an experienced developer, understanding Stored Procedures can help you build more efficient and effective applications, and simplify the management of complex database logic.


  1. Introduction to SQL Server Stored Procedures
  2. Different Stored Procedure Types using Examples from the Media Industry
  3. Real-World Example Questions in the Media Industry
  4. A Most Commonly Asked Interview Question in SQL Server Stored Procedures
  5. Conclusion

Introduction to SQL Server Stored Procedures

SQL Server Stored Procedures are precompiled sets of T-SQL statements that can be executed by calling the stored procedure name. They provide a convenient way to encapsulate a series of T-SQL statements into a single executable unit that can be executed repeatedly, making it easier to manage and maintain complex database logic.

Different Stored Procedure Types using Examples From The Media Industry

Simple Stored Procedures

A simple stored procedure is a basic stored procedure that only contains a single SELECT statement. This type of stored procedure is commonly used to retrieve data from a database.

Consider a media database that contains information about movies and their respective ratings. A simple stored procedure can be created to retrieve the titles of movies with a rating of 8 or higher:

  SELECT Title 
  FROM Movies 
  WHERE Rating >= 8 

Parameterized Stored Procedures

A parameterized stored procedure is a stored procedure that accepts parameters. These parameters can be used to filter data or customize the behavior of the stored procedure.

Consider a media database that contains information about movies and their respective ratings. A parameterized stored procedure can be created to retrieve the titles of movies with a specified rating:

CREATE PROCEDURE GetMoviesByRating (@minRating INT) 
  SELECT Title 
  FROM Movies 
  WHERE Rating >= @minRating 

Stored Procedures with Output Parameters

A stored procedure with output parameters is a stored procedure that returns output in the form of parameters. These parameters can be used to return a value from the stored procedure to the calling code.

Example in Media Industry:
Consider a media database that contains information about movies and their respective ratings. A stored procedure with output parameters can be created to retrieve the total number of movies with a specified rating:

CREATE PROCEDURE GetMovieCountByRating (@minRating INT, @movieCount INT OUTPUT) 
  SELECT @movieCount = COUNT(*) 
  FROM Movies 
  WHERE Rating >= @minRating 

Real-World Example Questions in the Media Industry


  Title VARCHAR(100), 
  ReleaseYear INT, 
  Rating DECIMAL(3,1), 
  BoxOffice INT 

INSERT INTO Movies (Title, ReleaseYear, Rating, BoxOffice) 
  ('The Avengers', 2012, 8.0, 1518594910), 
  ('The Dark Knight', 2008, 9.0, 534858444), 
  ('Inception', 2010, 8.8, 825532764), 
  ('Avatar', 2009, 7.8, 278900000), 
  ('The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King', 2003, 9.0, 378800000), 
  ('The Matrix', 1999, 8.7, 171300000), 
  ('The Shawshank Redemption', 1994, 9.2, 283400000); 

1.  Write a query to retrieve the titles and release year of all movies that were released in the years 2000 or later, sorted by release year in ascending order.

View Answer

2. Write a query to retrieve the title and box office earnings of all movies that have a box office earning of more than $1 billion, sorted by box office earnings in descending order.

View Answer

3. Write a query to retrieve the average rating and the standard deviation of the ratings of all movies.

View Answer

A Most Commonly Asked Interview Question in SQL Server Stored Procedures

Q: What is the difference between a stored procedure and a user-defined function in SQL Server?

A: A stored procedure and a user-defined function are two different types of database objects in SQL Server. The main difference between them is their usage and return type.

A stored procedure is used to perform a specific task, such as retrieving data from a database, inserting data into a database, or updating data in a database. Stored procedures can return multiple result sets and output parameters, but they cannot return a single value.

On the other hand, a user-defined function is used to return a single value or a table. User-defined functions can only return a single value or a table, and they cannot return multiple result sets or output parameters.

In my previous project, I used both stored procedures and user-defined functions to build a database-driven application. I used stored procedures to perform tasks such as retrieving data from a database and inserting data into a database, and I used user-defined functions to return calculated values that were used in various parts of the application.


In conclusion, SQL Server Stored Procedures are a powerful tool for managing complex database logic. They provide a convenient way to encapsulate a series of T-SQL statements into a single executable unit, making it easier to manage and maintain complex database logic. With the different concept types and real-world example questions in the Media Industry, it’s clear that SQL Server Stored Procedures play a crucial role in the field of data analytics.

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Jupyter Hub Architecture Diagram

Posted on March 15, 2021 by Yash .

Serving Jupyter Notebooks to Thousands of Users

In our organization, Colaberry Inc, we provide professionals from various backgrounds and various levels of experience, with the platform and the opportunity to learn Data Analytics and Data Science. In order to teach Data Science, the Jupyter Notebook platform is one of the most important tools. A Jupyter Notebook is a document within an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations, and narrative text.

In this blog, we will learn the basic architecture of JupyterHub, the multi-user jupyter notebook platform, its working mechanism, and finally how to set up jupyter notebooks to serve a large user base.

Why Jupyter Notebooks?

In our platform, we provide users an opportunity to learn Data Science and AI by providing courses and lessons on Data Science and machine learning algorithms, the basics of the python programming language, and topics such as data handling and data manipulation.

Our approach to teaching these topics is to provide an option to “Learn by doing”. In order to provide practical hands-on learning, the content is delivered using the Jupyter Notebooks technology.

Jupyter notebooks allow users to combine code, text, images, and videos in a single document. This also makes it easy for students to share their work with peers and instructors. Jupyter notebook also gives users access to computational environments and resources without burdening the users with installation and maintenance tasks.


One of the limitations of the Jupyter Notebook server is that it is a single-user environment. When you are teaching a group of students learning data science, the basic Jupyter Notebook server falls short of serving all the users.

JupyterHub comes to our rescue when it comes to serving multiple users, with their own separate Jupyter Notebook servers seamlessly. This makes JupyterHub equivalent to a web application that could be integrated into any web-based platform, unlike the regular jupyter notebooks.

JupyterHub Architecture

The below diagram is a visual explanation of the various components of the JupyterHub platform. In the subsequent sections, we shall see what each component is and how the various components work together to serve multiple users with jupyter notebooks.

Components of JupyterHub


At the core of this platform are the Jupyter Notebooks. These are live documents that contain user code, write-up or documentation, and results of code execution in a single document. The contents of the notebook are rendered in the browser directly. They come with a file extension .ipynb. The figure below depicts how a jupyter notebook looks:


Notebook Server

As mentioned above, the notebook servers serve jupyter notebooks as .ipynb files. The browser loads the notebooks and then interacts with the notebook server via sockets. The code in the notebook is executed in the notebook server. These are single-user servers by design.


Hub is the architecture that supports serving jupyter notebooks to multiple users. In order to support multiple users, the Hub uses several components such as Authenticator, User Database, and Spawner.


This component is responsible for authenticating the user via one of the several authentication mechanisms. It supports OAuth, GitHub, and Google to name a few of the several available options. This component is responsible for providing an Auth Token after the user is successfully authenticated. This token is used to provide access for the corresponding user.

Refer to JupyterHub documentation for an exhaustive list of options. One of the notable options is using an identity aggregator platform such as Auth0 that supports several other options.

User Database

Internally, Jupyter Hub uses a user database to store the user information to spawn separate user pods for the logged-in user and then serve notebooks contained within the user pods for individual users.


A spawner is a worker component that creates individual servers or user pods for each user allowed to access JupyterHub. This mechanism ensures multiple users are served simultaneously. It is to be noted that there is a predefined limitation on the number of the simultaneous first-time spawn of user pods, which is roughly about 80 simultaneous users. However, this does not impact the regular usage of the individual servers after initial user pod creation.

How It All Works Together

The mechanism used by JupyterHub to authenticate multiple users and provide them with their own Jupyter Notebook servers is described below.

The user requests access to the Jupyter notebook via the JupyterHub (JH) server.
The JupyterHub then authenticates the user using one of the configured authentication mechanisms such as OAuth. This returns an auth token to the user to access the user pod.
A separate Jupyter Notebook server is created and the user is provided access to it.
The requested notebook in that server is returned to the user in the browser.
The user then writes code (or documentation text) in the notebook.
The code is then executed in the notebook server and the response is returned to the user’s browser.

Deployment and Scalability

The JupyterHub servers could be deployed in two different approaches:
Deployed on the cloud platforms such as AWS or Google Cloud platform. This uses Docker and Kubernetes clusters in order to scale the servers to support thousands of users.
A lightweight deployment on a single virtual instance to support a small set of users.


In order to support a few thousand users and more, we use the Kubernetes cluster deployment on the Google Cloud platform. Alternatively, this could also have been done on the Amazon AWS platform to support a similar number of users.

This uses a Hub instance and multiple user instances each of which is known as a pod. (Refer to the architecture diagram above). This deployment architecture scales well to support a few thousand users seamlessly.

To learn more about how to set up your own JupyterHub instance, refer to the Zero to JupyterHub documentation.


JupyterHub is a scalable architecture of Jupyter Notebook servers that supports thousands of users in a maintainable cluster environment on popular cloud platforms.

This architecture suits several use cases with thousands of users and a large number of simultaneous users, for example, an online Data Science learning platform such as

Image of JupyterHub diagram

Posted on October 21, 2020 by Yash .

Load Testing Jupyter Notebooks


Consider this scenario: you set up a JupyterHub environment (to learn more, go to the JupyterHub section below) so that over 1000 participants of your online workshop can access Jupyter notebooks in JupyterHub. How do you ensure that the workshop runs smoothly? How do you ensure that the cloud servers you allocated for this event are sufficient? You might first reference similar threads to this one:

To learn the implementation- read on.

Performance Testing

Performance, scalability, and reliability of applications are key non-functional requirements of any product or service. This is especially true when a product is expected to be used by a large number of users.

This document overviews the Refactored platform and its JupyterHub environment, describes effective load tests for these types of systems, and addresses some of the main challenges the JupyterHub community faces when load testing in JupyterHub environments. The information presented in this document will benefit anyone interested in running load/stress tests in the JupyterHub environment.


Refactored is an interactive, on-demand data training platform powered by AI. It provides a hands-on learning experience to accommodate various learning styles and levels of expertise. The platform consists of two core components:

  • Refactored website
  • JupyterHub environment.


Jupyter is an open-source tool that provides an interface to create and share documents, including live code, the output of code execution, and visualizations. It also includes cells to create code or project documentation – all in a single document.

JupyterHub brings the power of notebooks to groups of users. It gives users access to computational environments and resources without burdening the users with installation and maintenance tasks. Students, researchers, and data scientists can get their work done in their workspaces on shared resources, that can be managed efficiently by system administrators.

To learn how to create a JupyterHub setup using a Kubernetes cluster, go to

Load Testing Approach

Running load tests on JupyterHub requires a unique approach. This tool differs significantly in the way it works as compared to a regular web application. Further, a modern authentication mechanism severely limits the options available to run seamless end-to-end tests.

Load Testing Tool

We use to perform load testing on Refactored in the JupyterHub environment. is a developer-centric, free, and open-source load testing tool built to ensure an effective and intuitive performance testing experience.

JupyterHub Testing

To start load testing the JupyterHub environment, we need to take care of the end-to-end flow. This includes the server configurations, login/authentication, serving notebooks, etc.

Since we use a cloud authentication provider on Refactored, we ran into issues testing end-to-end flow due to severe restrictions in load testing cloud provider components. Generally, load testing such platforms is the responsibility of the cloud application provider- they are typically well-tested for loads and scalability. Hence, we decided to temporarily remove the authentication from the cloud provider and use a dummy authentication for the JupyterHub environment.

To do that, we needed to change the configuration in k8s/config.yaml under the JupyterHub code.

Find the configuration entry that specifies authentication below:


type: custom


className: ***oauthenticator.***Auth0OAuthenticator



client_id: “!*****************************”

client_secret: “********************************”

oauth_callback_url: “https://***”



– admin

In our case, we use a custom authenticator. , so changing it to the following dummy authenticator:


type: dummy


password: *******1234



– admin

GCP Configuration

In the GCP console under the Kubernetes cluster, take a look at the user pool as shown below:

Edit the user pool to reflect the number of nodes required to support load tests.
There might be a calculation involved to figure out the number of nodes.
In our case, we wanted to load test 300 user pods in JupyterHub. We created about 20 nodes as below:


k6 Configuration is a tool for running load tests. It uses JavaScript (ES6 JS) as the base language for creating the tests.

First, install k6 from the website. There are 2 versions – cloud & open-source versions. We use the open-source version downloaded into the testing environment.

To install it on Debian Linux-based unix systems:

sudo apt-key adv –keyserver hkp:// –recv-keys 379CE192D401AB61
echo “deb stable main” | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install k6

Check the documentation at for other types of OS.

Running Load Tests

Creating Test Scripts

In our case, we identified the key tests to be performed on the JupyterHub environment:
1. Login.
2. Heartbeat check.
3. Roundtrip for Jupyter notebooks.

To run tests on Refactored, we create the .js module that does the following via JS code.

1. Imports

import { check, group, sleep } from ‘k6’;
import http from ‘k6/http’;

2. Configuration options

We set up the configuration options ahead of the tests. These options include the duration of the tests, number of users, maximum users simulated, and other parameters such as shut-down grace time for the tests to complete.

Here is a sample set of options:
export let options = {
max_vus: 300,
vus: 100,
stages: [
{ duration: “30s”, target: 10 },
{ duration: “4m”, target: 100 },
{ duration: “30s”, target: 0 }
thresholds: {
“RTT”: [“avg r.status === 200 });


3. Actual tests

We created the actual tests as JS functions within group objects provided by the framework. We had various groups, including a login group, a heartbeat group, and other individual module check groups. Further groups can be chained within those groups.

Here is a sample set of groups to test our JupyterHub environment:

export default function() {

group(‘v1 Refactored load testing’, function() {

   group(‘heart-beat’, function() {

     let res = http.get(“”);

     check(res, { “status is 200”: (r) => r.status === 200 });


   group(‘course aws deep racer – Home ‘, function() {

     let res = http.get(url_deepracer_home);

     check(res, {

       “status is 200”: (r) => r.status === 200,

       “AWS Deepracer Home .. done”: (r) => r.body.includes(‘<h3>AWS DeepRacer</h3>’)



   group(‘course aws deep racer Pre-Workshop-  Create your AWS account ‘, function() {

     let res = http.get(url_create_aws);

     check(res, {

       “status is 200”: (r) => r.status === 200,

       “Create AWS account.. done”: (r) => r.body.includes(‘<h1 class=”main_heading”>Create your AWS account</h1>’)



   group(‘course aws deep racer Pre-Workshop –  Introduction to Autonomous Vehicle ‘, function() {

     let res = http.get(url_intro_autonmous);

     check(res, {

       “status is 200”: (r) => r.status === 200,

       “Introduction to Autonomous Vehicle.. done”: (r) => r.body.includes(‘<h1 class=”main_heading”>Introduction to Autonomous Vehicles</h1>’)



   group(‘course aws deep racer Pre-Workshop –  Introduction to Machine learning ‘, function() {

     let res = http.get(url_intro_ml);

     check(res, {

       “status is 200”: (r) => r.status === 200,

       “Introduction to Machine learning.. done”: (r) => r.body.includes(‘<h1 class=”main_heading”>Introduction to Machine learning</h1>’)



Load Test Results

The results of the load test are displayed while running the tests.

Start of the test.

The test is run by using the following command:

root@ip-172-31-0-241:REFACTORED-SITE-STAGE:# k6 run -u 300 -I 300 dsin100days_test.js

The parameters ‘u’ & ‘i’ provide the number of users to be simulated as well as the iterations to be performed respectively.

The first part of the test displays the configuration options, the test scenario, and the list of users created for the test.


Test execution.

Further results display the progress of the test. In this case, the login process, the creation of user pods, and the reading of the notebooks are displayed. Here is a snapshot of the output:

INFO[0027] loadtestuser25 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0027] loadtestuser20 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0027] loadtestuser220 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0027] loadtestuser64 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0027] loadtestuser98 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0027] loadtestuser194 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0028] loadtestuser273 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0028] loadtestuser261 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0028] loadtestuser218 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0028] loadtestuser232 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0028] loadtestuser52 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0028] loadtestuser175 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0028] loadtestuser281 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0028] loadtestuser239 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0028] loadtestuser112 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0028] loadtestuser117 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0028] loadtestuser159 Reading 1st notebook

INFO[0029] loadtestuser189 Reading 1st notebook

Final results

After the load test is completed, a summary of the test results is produced. This includes the time taken to complete the test and other statistics on the actual test.

Here is the final section of the results:

running (04m17.1s), 000/300 VUs, 300 complete and 0 interrupted iterations

default ✓ [======================================] 300 VUs  04m17.1s/10m0s  300/300 shared items

█ v1 Refactored Jupyter Hub load testing

█ login

✗ The login is successful..

↳  89% — ✓ 267 / ✗ 33

█ Jupyter hub heart-beat

✗  Notebooks Availability…done

↳  94% — ✓ 284 / ✗ 16

✓ heart-beat up..

█ get 01-Basic_data_types notebook

✓ Notebook loaded

✓ 01-Basic_data_types.. done

█ get 02-Lists_and_Nested_Lists notebook

✓ 02-Lists_and_Nested_Lists.. done

✓ Notebook loaded

█ get dealing-with-strings-and-dates notebook

✓ Notebook loaded

✓ dealing-with-strings-and-dates.. done

checks…………………: 97.97% ✓ 2367  ✗ 49

data_received…………..: 43 MB  166 kB/s

data_sent………………: 1.2 MB 4.8 kB/s

group_duration………….: avg=15.37s   min=256.19ms med=491.52ms max=4m16s    p(90)=38.11s   p(95)=40.86s

http_req_blocked………..: avg=116.3ms  min=2.54µs   med=2.86µs   max=1.79s    p(90)=8.58µs   p(95)=1.31s

http_req_connecting……..: avg=8.25ms   min=0s       med=0s       max=98.98ms  p(90)=0s       p(95)=84.68ms

http_req_duration……….: avg=3.4s     min=84.95ms  med=453.65ms max=32.04s   p(90)=13.88s   p(95)=21.95s

http_req_receiving………: avg=42.37ms  min=31.37µs  med=135.32µs max=11.01s   p(90)=84.24ms  p(95)=84.96ms

http_req_sending………..: avg=66.1µs   min=25.26µs  med=50.03µs  max=861.93µs p(90)=119.82µs p(95)=162.46µs

http_req_tls_handshaking…: avg=107.18ms min=0s       med=0s       max=1.68s    p(90)=0s       p(95)=1.23s

http_req_waiting………..: avg=3.35s    min=84.83ms  med=370.16ms max=32.04s   p(90)=13.88s   p(95)=21.95s

http_reqs………………: 3115   12.114161/s

iteration_duration………: avg=47.15s   min=22.06s   med=35.86s   max=4m17s    p(90)=55.03s   p(95)=3m51s

iterations……………..: 300    1.166693/s

vus……………………: 1      min=1   max=300

vus_max………………..: 300    min=300 max=300

Interpreting Test Results:

In the above results, the key metrics are:

  1. Http_reqs: gives the requests per second. In this case, it is 12.11 r/s. This is because it includes first-time requests. during the initial run, the codes are synced with GitHub and include idle time. This could also happen due to initial server spawns. In other cases, there could be as many as 70 requests per second.
  2. Vus_max:  maximum virtual users supported.
  3. Iteration:  300 iterations. This could be n-fold as well.
  4. Http_req_waiting: 3.35 s on average wait time during the round trip.

Running Individual Tests

The final step in this process is the testing of an individual user to see some key metrics around the usage of the JupyterHub environment.

The key metrics include:

  1. Login-timed test
  2. Notebook roundtrip
  3. Notebook functions: start kernel, run all cells

This is performed by using a headless browser tool. In our case, we use PhantomJS as we are familiar with it. There are other tools to consider that will perform the same or even better.

Before we do the test, we must define the performance required from the page loads. The performance metrics include:

  1. Load the notebook within 30 seconds.
  2. Basic Python code execution must be completed within 30 seconds of the start of the execution.
  3. In exceptional cases, due to the complexity of the code, it must not exceed 3 minutes of execution. This applies to the core data science code. There could be further exceptions to this rule depending on the notebook in advanced cases.

In the next technical paper, we will explore how to run individual tests.

Written by Manikandan Rangaswamy